TIME-3Hours} Maximum Marks:70
Note :-Part-A is compulsary. Attemt one question each from Part-B,Part-C,Part-D And Part-D
(Compuslary Question)
1.(a) What is tool bar?
(b) Differentiate between opening a file and creating a file?
(c) List the component of task bar?
(d) What is the purpose of SYS command?
(e) Differentiate between worksheet and workbook.
(f) How is cell C7 represented as an absolute address in MS-Excel?
(g) Define slide sorter view of MS Power Point?
(h) Which function key is used to start slide show in Power Point?
(i) Explain recycle bin.
(j) What is the purpose of Theasurus feature?
2.(a) Explain wild cart character with example ?
(b) What do you understand by template?
(c) Discuss both the method of file protection
(d) Describe the rules for writing a formula in MS Excel
(e) Describe slide transition with example in relation to MS Poewr point
3. Discuss in detail SORT and PROMPT commands with examples.
4. Describe any five features of paint accessory.
5. Discuss various option available in print feature.
6. Describe any five formating features of MS Word.
7. What do you understand by Macros in relation to MS Excel.
8. write short note on the following :
(a) Pivot tables
(b) Data Validation
9. Discuss in detail various views available in PowerPoint.
10. Explain any four features of MS PowerPoint.